A complete and customized Employee Handbook is an important tool for any business.  Don’t have an Employee Handbook?  Need a review or rewrite of your out-of-date Employee Handbook?  Pacific HR can help!

 Pacific HR will create a customized Employee Handbook for your business that will:

  • Clearly define Employment Policies and Procedures

  • Affirm your rights as an employer

  • Explain employee benefits

  • Reinforces solid Human Resources practices


Do you desperately need a review or rewrite of your existing Employee Handbook?  Have you been putting off the creation of your first customized Employee Handbook?  Stop procrastinating and let Pacific HR create a professional Handbook customized to your business culture!  An Employee Handbook will:

  • Protect your small business

  • Reduce turnover and disciplinary issues by clearly communicating your Policies and Procedures to your employees

  • Get your business ready to grow to the next level


A good Employee Handbook will contain customized Policies and Procedures that accurately reflect your current business practices.  It will also include statements to protect your small business from liability and clearly communicate Employee Benefits.  A well written Employee Manual is critical to any successful business.


All Employee Handbooks are written in clear and concise language that accurately reflects your company’s Policies and Procedures.  The process is simple!  Contact Pacific HR and schedule an initial meeting to get started. Most Employee Manuals are completed within 2 weeks of the initial meeting, and the final product is owned by your company. All documents are completely customized and reflect current state and federal employment rules.


Contact us to learn more about how Pacific HR can help your small business with a customized Employee Handbook.